Dear dshields1:
What depths of despair this young man must have felt to have wanted so desparately to end his pain.
I can only imagine how low he must have sunk to not see the effect this would have on his loved ones. We don't know the circumstances in his life so we can only put it in the perspective of what we feel.
I've felt that desparate at times to end the pain in my mind and my heart wanting to make it stop. The pictures of the faces of my children, my beautiful grandchild, my husband, and the rest of my family and my closest friends flash into my head. Knowing that they would be tormented with "why?" and "if only I'd done or said..." snap me out of it and make me give myself a lecture.
My heart goes out to his family in their desparate need for answers. I hope that they will find comfort for the torment their minds must be going through.
Had Enough